A Chat

Things are looking pretty different around here, aren’t they? I’m so stoked about my new look! When I first started blogging in January of 2014 I chose my theme very quickly and hadn’t given it much thought since. Recently though, I decided that a refresh was in order. I just felt that I had outgrown my old theme and I wanted something a lot cleaner to showcase the different direction I wanted to take the site. I’ve been testing a ton of themes and with some personal touches, I’ve finally settled on one I’m really happy with. Here’s to new beginnings!


I mentioned earlier that I’ve signed up for writing prompts and it’s been really fun to write regularly again. Each day I get an email with a challenge like, “Write a scene that includes rubber boots and toast.” She recommends you write for at least ten minutes a day, by hand in a notebook. It’s funny to me that as soon as I read the prompt, an idea pops into my head and the ten minutes are up before I know it. I’ve been really enjoying my writing window each day and the more I do, the more I seem to want to do, which is great.


The house is being shown constantly these days. I’ve barely cooked a thing in the last few weeks which has been fun but is annoying all at the same time. One can only eat so many sandwiches and I think the Jack Keaton’s staff are starting to see us as regulars. It has been sort of cool to fly by the seat of our pants and not be able to make plans though. Hopefully our move can happen soon! We are really looking forward to it.


We took a last minute trip to my hometown this past weekend. With all of the showings and open houses it was nice to escape and visit with family. The weekend was pretty low key but it did include some killer Chinese food and a trip to our very favorite ice cream shop that just opened for the season. We got some exciting news that a new baby has joined our family this weekend too. My cousin and his wife have a new little boy and my Grandma (now a Great-Grandma for the first time!) was just getting the news as we walked into the house. It was so much fun to see how happy she was. Welcome Nolan! You are so loved already.

chinese food

My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. I love birthdays and because mine coincides with Spring, it always feels like a fresh start. Because it’s been hard to make plans this last while, I have no idea how I’ll be celebrating and I kind of love the spontaneity of it all. As long as there are cupcakes and champagne involved, I’m up for anything.


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