Recent Obsessions #3


I’ve been REALLY fantasizing about going on a trip somewhere lately. Pictures like the one above are going to have to get me through to my next one.

My puppy. I could gush for an entire post about him again, but I’ll spare you all. He’s awesome.

 In TV news, The 100 is back! I was SO depressed after the mid-season finale last month. I hated the ending. I won’t spoil it for those of you still catching up but needless to say, I’m stoked to have my favorite show back. Also, really late to the party but I just saw the SOA series finale and, oh my gosh. That’s all I can say. I could barely speak for the rest of the day after watching it. I can’t believe it’s over for good. I’m also being tight lipped about this one because by some miracle the ending wasn’t spoiled for me and I don’t want to be a spoiler myself. I know some of my family is still catching up.

My Nordic Mug from David’s Tea. My Main Taste Tester got me it for Christmas because up until then I had been using a tea ball when I made a cup of tea and in short, tea balls suck. This mug is PERFECT and now I have at least one cup of tea every evening because it’s so much easier with this mug.

Other David’s Tea mentions: I just bought the Matcha Matsu powdered green tea and I’ve been putting it in my green juice every morning. This stuff gives you a crazy burst of energy and it’s good for you. Before bed most nights I have a cup of The Big Chill. The valerian root makes me so sleepy and it tastes great.

My 360 pearl stud earrings. I had my eye on the Baublebar version for a while before Christmas and after it came and went I was thisclose to biting the bullet. Then I happened to pop into Aldo and found their version for a measly 8 bucks. Sold! I can’t find them on their site but they still have some in store. Go get em!

Etsy. I’ve been a bit of an Etsy fool lately. I’ve bought earrings and a dress recently and I can’t stop browsing. Help!

Laughing Cow cheese wedges. This is so random but I had never tried these before (although I’ve heard that so many people love them) and my grocery store was sampling the new White Cheddar flavor recently. SO GOOD. I bought a bunch and now it’s my new fave afternoon snack with fruit.

The Sleep Cycle app. I’ve kind of had a love-hate relationship with this one but I’ve finally gotten the hang of using it and it’s really helping me get up in the morning when it’s so dark out. The premise is that when you set an alarm for a specific time it has the potential to jolt you awake during a deep cycle of sleep, making you feel groggy all day. Sleep Cycle lets you select a half hour window that you want to wake up in and then you put your phone under your pillow or on your bed somewhere. Sleep Cycle tracks your movements and when it senses you are in a lighter stage of sleep within the half hour window, gently wakes you with music. It takes some getting used to but it’s definitely a nicer awakening than a screaming alarm and I do think I feel more alert during the day when I use it.

Bright lipstick. I’m sticking to my resolution so far! I’ve been wearing different shades a ton and loving it. I’m thinking I’ll do an actual post on this soon, sharing the colors I’ve been using and maybe some swatches.


 What are you obsessed with lately?

Image via Pinterest

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